We provide our services with utmost expertise and care for making it an enjoyable and hassle-free shopping experience for you all. However, there are certain things that we do not promise to our buyers in our services.
Apart from what is already mentioned in our Terms of Service, RajiRamniq does not make any special pledge regarding the services it offers. For instance, we never make a commitment with regards to the offers/contents in our services, or their availability, reliability, or ability of fulfilling your requirements. For you information, we are catering the services, ‘as is’.
Liability of Our Services
When allowed by the law, RajiRamniq and its suppliers cannot be held accountable for the lost revenues, data, profits or any kind of punitory damages or financial losses.
As per the extent allowed by the law, as far as the liability of RajiRamniq as well as its distributors is concerned regarding any claims, including any of the implied warranties, it is solely restricted to the price you have paid us for availing our services.
In any case, RajiRamniq and its suppliers will not hold responsibility for any loss or damages which are unreasonably unforeseeable. In these terms and conditions, the usage of the services for your personal use will not limit your legal rights.
Disclaimer of the Warranties and the Limitations of Liability
All the services, materials and contents (including all the additional details regarding the products) on our site is provided to you by RajiRamniq Design Studio on an ‘as is’ manner. RajiRamniq does not guarantee the functionalities of the website or of the product based information (including pricings), materials and other information on our website, unless clearly stated in written. You are agreeing to use our website at your own risk.
According to the extent allowed by the law, RajiRamniq disclaims all the warranties, implied or expressed, but not limited to the implied warranties of the merchant abilities. RajiRamniq also does not hold warranty of any contents, materials. Product-related data (including software) and any other information available to the users through the website, or the service or the electronic communication which is sent from RajiRamniq do not contain malicious components or viruses. RajiRamniq does not hold accountability for any damage, cropping up after using the site or any other data ( price, service, product related information, content and information) served to you on this site but is not limited to incidental, indirect, direct, consequential and punitive damages, until and unless mentioned in writing.